Old Universe with a Short Human History?

After the NCHE Conference in North Carolina last week, I received the following email from an attendee:

Dear Diego, I really enjoyed the conference! Hope you liked being in North Carolina. I have a couple of thoughts and questions about some scripture that has been giving me trouble. I know in Genesis that some of the entries are descriptions of specific days of creation and then there are some repeats of a more general overview of that same day. The one that is troubling me is pre-day 1 and then the account of day one. Read More...

What is Creation Astronomy?

We recently received the following email: "Hello, I came across your website during an image search in which a link took me to your website and out of mere curiosity had read what the "4th Day Alliance" is about. I was a physics-astronomy major in college and am curious as to what "creation astronomy" is. I couldn't find a page describing it, so was wondering what you object to in popular astronomy that makes you teach "creation astronomy." looking forward to your reply..."

The following was my response (we have crossed out the emailers name). We have posted it here because we felt it would be a beneficial letter for you. Read More...