Frequently Asked Questions:
Click on the questions below for answers to the most frequently asked questions about the 4th Day Alliance Creation Astronomy Ministry.
What Does the 4th Day Alliance Do?
We are a Christian Astronomy organization (a creation astronomy ministry) dedicated to proclaiming the glory of God through astronomy. We accomplish this by teaching seminars, giving lectures, and having public star parties where we distribute literature and books. We teach Creationism, Creation Science, and Creation Astronomy from a Christian perspective.
Where Can I Get the Glory Observer Magazine?

Can we hire you to give astronomy presentations at our campground or church?
For more information about this, check out this page - Host a 4th Day Alliance Event in Your City. Typically, if your Christian camp or church function is interested in having the Alliance come out and present for you, simply contact us and we can discuss the details. Generally speaking, based on the expected crowd for your event, we will simply take up an offering after our main presentation and also request space to set up our book table so that we can sell books, etc. Of course, we do ask that our expenses (gas, lodging, meals, etc) would be covered or reimbursed, as well.
Most commonly, we are asked to give the How Big is God presentation. This works well in many environments including: church events, homeschooling events, star parties, Christian camps, etc.
Most commonly, we are asked to give the How Big is God presentation. This works well in many environments including: church events, homeschooling events, star parties, Christian camps, etc.
What Do Your Astronomy Presentations Consist Of?
It all depends on the particular location or event. Sometimes we have good conditions and sometimes we have less than favorable conditions. Sometimes we are indoors and sometimes we are outdoors. We will do all we can to accommodate the venue. Typically, however, an Alliance presenter will take your group through a series of Keynote (Powerpoint) presentations. The presentations are quite dynamic including sound and visual effects. Keynote presentations titles include: Comets, Astronomy in the Bible, Creation Astronomy, Practical Astronomy, and of course our flagship presentation—How Big is God. Our list of presentations can be seen here.
Additionally, conditions permitting we will setup several telescopes and allow attendees to look at several celestial objects on-site. Typically, we will see the Moon, Jupiter, Saturn, a few double stars, some star clusters (such as M13 and Pleiades), nebulae (such as the Orion Nebula), and whatever else is interesting on that particular night. Most people walk away stunned after seeing, for example, Saturn for the first time with their own eyes at 200x magnification!
Additionally, conditions permitting we will setup several telescopes and allow attendees to look at several celestial objects on-site. Typically, we will see the Moon, Jupiter, Saturn, a few double stars, some star clusters (such as M13 and Pleiades), nebulae (such as the Orion Nebula), and whatever else is interesting on that particular night. Most people walk away stunned after seeing, for example, Saturn for the first time with their own eyes at 200x magnification!
What is a Star Party?
Star parties are gatherings of astronomy enthusiasts and telescope owners. Star parties are held all over the country by astronomy clubs in their various cities. 4th Day Alliance star parties are much different than typical star parties because we bring a presentation screen to our star parties to help educate the public. Our star parties are designed to educate the public, rather than to just spend hours viewing deep-space objects in a remote, dark location (we do that on our own time). The Alliance is dedicated to teaching astronomy as well as enjoying it. For this reason, we take a powerful sound system, projector screen, astronomy gadgets and toys, and our book table along to all star parties to make it an incredible educational experience for the public. Many people hear about the glory of God in the heavens for the first time. Also, it is an excellent opportunity to plant seeds for Christ into the hearts of unbelievers. Because we are primarily interested in educating the public, we do not need to have a dark-sky location for our star parties (although dark skies are preferred). We often use parks, driveways, parking lots, schools, etc.
Does the 4th Day Alliance need any financial support?
Yes! Astronomy equipment can be very expensive. We do all that we can to bring the most amazing equipment to a portable venue so that everyone can take part in the learning experience. Currently, we have many wants/needs that we simply cannot afford to buy. If you are able, please consider making a tax-deductible donation to the Alliance. It will be one of the best donations you make all year! At least, we think so…
This is so exciting! How can I get involved?
The best way to get involved is to join with us and then start spreading the word! Tell your friends, family, and church members about the Alliance. Pass out tracts and books. Study the Christian astronomy literature that we have in our bookstore and share what you learn with your friends. Host a star party of your own.
What is the How Big is God Presentation about?
The How Big is God presentation is our flagship multimedia presentation. The presentation takes the viewer on a journey through God's created universe to help them understand God's power and glory. For more information, click here to go to the How Big is God presentation page.
4th Day Alliance
1317 Edgewater Dr #5077
Orlando, FL 32804
(208) 477-1825
4th Day Alliance
1317 Edgewater Dr #5077
Orlando, FL 32804
(208) 477-1825