

Distant Starlight Articles

Click below for the articles available concerning the distant starlight issue:

Does Distant Starlight Prove that the Bible is Wrong?
by the 4th Day Alliance

Galaxies are Billions of Light Years Away, so isn’t the Universe Billions of Years Old?
by Dr. Walt Brown

Universe in Near Realtime
by Astronomer Steve Miller

Understanding the Variable Speed of Light Theory
Barry Setterfield’s research simplified by his wife, Helen

Starlight and Time—A Further Breakthrough
by Carl Wieland (regarding Dr. John Hartnett’s research)

Relativistic Cosmology - Four Creation Cosmologies
by Dr. Russell Humphreys

Conventions of Time Measurement
by Dr. Jason Lisle
4th Day Alliance
1317 Edgewater Dr #5077
Orlando, FL 32804
(208) 477-1825