How Big is God Multimedia Presentation
Click the play button below to watch the video preview.What People are Saying About “How Big is God”
"The most phenomenal presentation about God's creation I've ever seen!" Dr. S.M. Davis,
“I have never seen such an amazing presentation by anyone, anywhere! This presentation blew my mind! I would encourage any Pastor, church, or conference to bring [the 4th Day Alliance] in to give this amazing, compelling, and theologically solid message. Top Notch! - Israel Wayne •, Wisdom's Gate Ministry
“As a presenter myself on the subject of Creation Science for over 30 years, I have read hundreds of books, thousands of articles and seen numberless films and presentations on all kinds of ‘nature’ topics that relate to God’s Awesome Creation. The multi-media show, “How Big is God?” by the 4th Day Alliance, is magnificent in content and unparalleled in viewer impact. Unforgettable, inspiring, and, for some, even life-changing, this program is such a stunning ‘Revelation’ that every congregation in every community needs to use it to shock their young people with the awesome scope of the Creator’s reality. The impressive visual impact, striking sound effects and brilliant script leaves every viewer literally ‘spellbound’ after completing this ‘journey’ through the universe that defines the mere ‘handiwork’ of a Designer that leaves us speechless.” Dennis Petersen, author – Unlocking the Mysteries of Creation and Founder – Creation Resource Foundation
"The How Big Is God presentation is excellent! It lifts the viewer up and out of our Earth-bound perspective, transporting us into the vast grandeur of the Universe. We see the handiwork of our Creator and marvel at what He has done -- and see that even though His power and might are beyond our comprehension, yet He still cares for us as His children. I highly recommend this presentation for both children and adults." - Spike Psarris • Producer of the 'Our Created Solar System' documentary •
"The presentation was outstanding!" - J. Michael Smith • President, Home School Legal Defense Association
"There are no words that can describe His love for us - not to mention His plans - Perfect! This presentation was an enormous blessing. The word, "star" takes on a whole new meaning!" - Elizabeth Smith • Wife of HSLDA President Mike Smith and Director of Development of the Home School Foundation
"The How Big is God presentation was a highlight of the Seattle Creation Conference and a big hit among the students at our high school. With breath-taking special effects, Diego illustrates the vast size of the cosmos to deliver a powerful example of the awesome creative power of our God. We are also provided with a poignant reminder of the sacrifice that was made by Christ to redeem us from the penalty of our sin. It was truly a spectacular and unforgettable reminder of why God created the universe - to declare His glory and righteousness!" Chris Ashcraft • Northwest Creation Network • Seattle Creation Conference
For more comments on the How Big is God Presentation, click here
4th Day Alliance
1317 Edgewater Dr #5077
Orlando, FL 32804
(208) 477-1825
4th Day Alliance
1317 Edgewater Dr #5077
Orlando, FL 32804
(208) 477-1825