Strange Planets
There are many observations that are well-known amongst astronomers today that totally contradict the most popular evolutionary theories. For example, the most popular theory used to explain the origin of our solar system is called the nebular hypothesis. This theory essentially states that the solar system formed from a cloud of swirling gas and dust. Basically, evolutionary astronomers would have you to believe that our perfectly ordered solar system formed by random chance from an ancient nebula (dust cloud). Let us explore a few reasons why this silly explanation does not hold water.
If all of our planets and the more than 100 known moons all evolved from the same material, then they should have great similarities. Of course, after decades of planetary research and exploration, we have not found this to be true. “The most striking outcome of planetary exploration is the diversity of the planets…I wish it were not so, but I’m somewhat skeptical that we’re going to learn an awful lot about Earth by looking at other planetary bodies. The more we look at the different planets, the more each one seems to be unique.”[1]
Additionally, according to the Nebular Hypothesis, all planets should spin (rotate) in the same direction. This is what we would expect if all of the planets formed from the same swirling cloud of gas. However, Venus, Uranus, and Pluto all spin backward!
Also, if all of the solar systems bodies were formed from this so-called swirling cloud, then all of the moons in our solar system should orbit their planets in the same direction. However, many moons discovered actually have backward orbits. Furthermore, all four of the gas giant planets (Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune), have moons orbiting in both directions.
On top of that, if the Nebular Hypothesis were true, the orbits of all moons should lie in the equatorial plane of the planet it orbits. In other words, the moons of any planet should orbit above the planet’s equator. However, many of the moons in our solar system, including our own moon have orbits that are severely tipped, or inclined.
Beyond this, there are 2 well known observations involving the sun that utterly defeat the false theory called the Nebular Hypothesis. The first is based on the chemical makeup of our solar system, and the second is based on the angular momentum.

Finally, without getting into detailed explanation of what angular momentum is[2], and how it is measured, understand that if the Nebular Hypothesis were true, then the sun should have about 700 times more angular momentum than all of the planets put together. What we have found is that the planets actually have 50 times more angular momentum than the Sun! “One of the detailed problems is then to explain how the Sun itself acquires nearly 99.9% of the mass of the solar system but only 2% of its angular momentum.”[3]
So, here we have 5 simple observations that completely refute the most popular evolutionary theory of our solar systems formation. One would assume that any man who is supposed to be a scientist would take these scientific observations and then throw out their flawed theory. After all, that is how science is supposed to work. If a theory does not match with the evidence, then you throw out the theory. However, such is not the case in evolutionary astronomy. Instead, scientists blindly continue to believe in the Nebular Hypothesis even though it flies in the face of scientific observations. This is not just blind faith, this is willfully disregarding evidence to preserve one’s belief system!
Remember this the next time someone tries to intimidate you into thinking that a biblical worldview concerning astronomy is inferior to the popular, so-called scientifically based, secular view. What they believe is simply this: in the beginning nothing exploded and over billions of years a swirling cloud of gas and dust formed our solar system. This swirling cloud of gas left us absolutely no evidence of how it formed our solar system, because all of the measurements that should explain how and why it happened only show us that it could not have happened the way we envision it. Nevertheless, we still believe it happened that way. And they call that science!
Of course, we can happily say that we believe the truth; namely this, in the beginning, God created the heaven and the earth.
- David Stevenson, as quoted by Richard A. Kerr, “The Solar System’s New Diversity,” Science, Vol. 265, September 2, 1994, p.1360.
- Angular Momentum is the quantity of rotation of a body, which is the product of its moment of inertia and its angular velocity.
- Frank D. Stacey, Physics of the Earth (New York: John Wiley & Sons, 1969, p. 4
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