by Jennifer Butler

The sheer weight of evidence for Creation presented in this video is astounding. This video alone should close the case for the flailing evolutionists. I really appreciate that this video incorporates recent discoveries in space and clearly delineates what these discoveries mean to the study of science. Again, again, and again discoveries clearly support creation. Psarris offers an introduction followed by a segment on each of the planets. I know you are wondering if Psarris presents Pluto as a planet – No, he doesn’t. Pluto is included in the segment, Comets and TNOs. TNOs represents Trans-Neptunian Objects.
Pictures and videos are expertly used to give us a clear ‘view’ of the universe. Titles, subtitles, and important facts are displayed on the screen throughout the presentation. Psarris presents the facts, asks questions about the facts in light of evolutionary theories, and then presents the only logical conclusions. The viewer can certainly appreciate the ‘bullet-point’ ease the speaker employs. Among the myriad of stellar photos, it was interesting to note that the pictures we have of Pluto are not vivid and offer little information.
Children will LOVE this video. Should the video seem long in one sitting for the younger child, the producers provide a convenient chapter menu allowing you to view shorter segments. This feature will also be invaluable for the teacher using segments in class. Although my family watched the video in one setting the first time, we are now viewing the video segment by segment to better study and understand the material. I fully expect my ten-year old to begin incorporating these evidences for creation in his daily rhetoric. This is one of the few videos I do not mind hearing, “Can we watch it again, Mom?”
Psarris is a blessing to the entire Science community – even those that do not necessarily appreciate him. While I have heard some planetary evidences of creation in bits in pieces over the years, I do not believe I have ever watched such a comprehensive presentation of celestial truths that included all the planets and trans-neptunian objects. This gem belongs in every Christian’s home, every church’s library, and every school classroom. The videography, still photos, and helpful subtitles make the information digestible. Adults, youth, and children alike will benefit from a dose of Psarris. Moms and Dads might even ask – “Kids, can we watch it again?”
Pros: If pictures are worth a 1000 words, this video delivers in the millions! Suitable for all ages. A systematic approach to deliver a comprehensive, but digestible diet of Astronomy facts refuting a universe without a Creator.
Cons: Title is a little long for the younger child, remedied by watching shorter segments.
Star Rating: 9

by Lynn Long

Explanations are presented in a clear and simple manner that allows even younger children to understand that God was the designer of our universe. Although intended for an older audience, youngsters will enjoy seeing close up what each planet looks like and hearing about its unique features. Even these little ones will understand that Spike is proving that God was the one who created our earth, its neighbors and the whole, amazing universe.
I certainly do not mean to imply, though, that this is a children’s video. The breath-taking visuals and thorough examination of scientific evidence make this an excellent resource for the upper elementary and high school science classroom. Because the video is divided into sections, the viewer can choose which planet to view next and, therefore, use it to supplement other astronomy curriculum. The beautiful visuals including breath-taking photographs and colorful graphics will add life to any textbook-based curriculum. There is so much material packed into the dvd that it really would be beneficial to take your time and discuss each planet and its moons separately with your student before proceeding to the next. I watched this dvd with my eleven-year-old and my thirteen-year-old. They both enjoyed the video and found it fascinating. We watched the whole thing from beginning to end but will definitely go back and view it section-by-section later.
Even if astronomy is not on the curriculum in your homeschool this year or if you do not homeschool at all, your family will benefit from watching this video and marveling over the magnificent work that has been accomplished by the hand of our creator. It is awesome to realize that some of our planets actually defy evolution just by their existence. Scientists are not even able to explain their presence in the universe but God can and he does in His Word. Once you have watched this video with your family you will look into the sky with new eyes. You will see above you many, tiny, twinkling testaments to our Creator.
Pros: A clear and systematic examination of each planet and its moon. Easily divided up for multiple viewings. Enjoyable for the whole family when viewed in sections.
Cons: The dvd is definitely too long for younger children to watch in one sitting but is easily viewed in sections.
Star Rating: 9
Lynn Long is a homeschooling mom in Southern Ontario. She has been homeschooling her two children for the past eight years.
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Orlando, FL 32804
(208) 477-1825