We recently received the following email: "Hello, I came across your website during an image search in which a link took me to your website and out of mere curiosity had read what the "4th Day Alliance" is about. I was a physics-astronomy major in college and am curious as to what "creation astronomy" is. I couldn't find a page describing it, so was wondering what you object to in popular astronomy that makes you teach "creation astronomy." looking forward to your reply..."
The following was my response (we have crossed out the emailers name). We have posted it here because we felt it would be a beneficial letter for you.
[name removed] -
Thanks for taking the time to contact us. Creation Astronomy is simply the teaching and science of astronomy from a creationist perspective. Creationists take the Bible as truth and therefore begin with the presumption that the universe was created by the God of the Bible.
"Popular astronomy," as you have dubbed it, also begins with a presumption—that is, the belief in philosophical naturalism. It is the belief that nature brought itself into being, or that the universe came into existence without a divine source. This is the starting point for evolutionary astronomers (in using the term "evolutionary" here, I am referring to theories within the field of astronomy, and not darwinian-type, or biological evolution).
In short, you have two groups of scientists in astronomy: creationists and evolutionists. They are both looking at the same evidence, and they are both well-educated and highly competent. However, they both have different "starting points" or presumptions, and they therefore come to different conclusions.
Currently, the popular astronomical beliefs are: the big bang (origin of the universe), and the nebular hypothesis (origin of the solar system). Both theories are untenable and greatly contradict known scientific laws and evidences. However, scientists continue to teach them and believe in them because of their support for philosophical naturalism. These theories, that even non-creationist scientists oppose for purely scientific reasons, are an example of some theories, borne out of philosophical naturalism that creation astronomers oppose.
Creation astronomers believe that "the heavens declare the glory of God," and therefore scientific inquiry into the nature and substance of the "heavens" will further and more greatly reveal God's glory if we begin with the premise that God Himself did create it all.
Take care...
Diego Rodriguez
4th Day Alliance
The following was my response (we have crossed out the emailers name). We have posted it here because we felt it would be a beneficial letter for you.
[name removed] -
Thanks for taking the time to contact us. Creation Astronomy is simply the teaching and science of astronomy from a creationist perspective. Creationists take the Bible as truth and therefore begin with the presumption that the universe was created by the God of the Bible.
"Popular astronomy," as you have dubbed it, also begins with a presumption—that is, the belief in philosophical naturalism. It is the belief that nature brought itself into being, or that the universe came into existence without a divine source. This is the starting point for evolutionary astronomers (in using the term "evolutionary" here, I am referring to theories within the field of astronomy, and not darwinian-type, or biological evolution).
In short, you have two groups of scientists in astronomy: creationists and evolutionists. They are both looking at the same evidence, and they are both well-educated and highly competent. However, they both have different "starting points" or presumptions, and they therefore come to different conclusions.
Currently, the popular astronomical beliefs are: the big bang (origin of the universe), and the nebular hypothesis (origin of the solar system). Both theories are untenable and greatly contradict known scientific laws and evidences. However, scientists continue to teach them and believe in them because of their support for philosophical naturalism. These theories, that even non-creationist scientists oppose for purely scientific reasons, are an example of some theories, borne out of philosophical naturalism that creation astronomers oppose.
Creation astronomers believe that "the heavens declare the glory of God," and therefore scientific inquiry into the nature and substance of the "heavens" will further and more greatly reveal God's glory if we begin with the premise that God Himself did create it all.
Take care...
Diego Rodriguez
4th Day Alliance
- FAQ - Astronomy
- How Are Star Distances Measured?
- What an Opportunity
- Old Universe with a Short Human History?
- Question About the How Big is God Presentation
- What is Creation Astronomy?
- Is the World Going to End in 2012?
- Water on the Moon
- Is NASA Going to Bomb the Moon?
- Lunar Orbiter Can See Apollo Equipment
- Ice in Martian Crater
4th Day Alliance
1317 Edgewater Dr #5077
Orlando, FL 32804
(208) 477-1825
4th Day Alliance
1317 Edgewater Dr #5077
Orlando, FL 32804
(208) 477-1825