2012 Movie Poster
So, what are we, as Christians, supposed to make of all this? Well, initially I simply dismissed it and ignored it as ridiculous and silly. Furthermore, I assumed that everybody else would do the same. However, I have found out that I was wrong. People are legitimately worried about this. They think that astronomy has something to do with it, and Christians in particular (especially those who have been taught Premillennial dispensationalism, i.e. Left Behind and the Late Great Planet Earth) have bought into the 2012 story—hook, line, and sinker.
In fact, recently I was giving a presentation to dozens of Christian school teachers. After the question and answer period, a lady walked up to me to ask me about the 2012 scare. At first I wanted to laugh, but I couldn't laugh because she was serious. She had a genuine look of fear in her eye, and she wanted to know if any of it was true. I realized then that the 4th Day Alliance needed to post something to address the issue. Since we are into astronomy, it's only natural that people are going to ask Alliance members about this.
It seems like hoaxes based on astronomical myths will never go away. Furthermore, it seems like the gullibility of the public is expanding exponentially. This is most unfortunate. Nevertheless, we must combat these problems with the same tool that has always worked from the beginning of time—the TRUTH!
The Mayan Calendar
Without getting deep into the workings of the Mayan calendar system, on December 21, 2012, the Mayan calendar is going to turn over. It will be the end of one of their units of time, called a baktun.
Mayan Calendar

Hal Lindsey's Book
In essence, the only thing that all of the doomsday prophets (Christian and secular) have in common is this—they're all dead wrong. Furthermore, astronomy has nothing to do with the end of the world!
Galactic Alignment
Perhaps you have heard that the winter solstice of 2012 and the centerline of the galaxy will "line up." This is pure nonsense. Astronomy cannot even pinpoint such a "galactic alignment" to within a year, let alone a day. In fact, the entire process of making the measurement is mostly arbitrary since it is based on the following unknown variables: the loose definition of the galactic equator, the difficulty in determining the visual appearance of the Milky Way galaxy, and the definition of the Milky Way's edges. Even if we could accurately measure all of these things, it still wouldn't matter. The "galactic alignment" wouldn't shake one turtle off of a curb on the earth.The Alignment of the Planets
Boy, if we had a nickel for every time somebody said that something was going to happen because of the "alignment of the planets," we would have enough money to plant a church in every city in the world! Now, people are saying that the alignment of the planets are going to cause the end of the world in 2012.
Click to Zoom
To make this even sillier, the planets will not be in alignment on December 21, 2012. The picture to the left (courtesy of Sky and Telescope) shows you what the planets' positions will be relative to each other on December 21, 2012. Do they look aligned to you?
The Evil Planet Nibiru
This one is a real doozie. Apparently, there is a planet called Nibiru that is hiding out in our Solar System that is on a collision course with the Earth. Remarkably, Nibiru is going to crash into the Earth in 2012 and NASA knows all about it but they are keeping the information from the public.
Planet Nibiru is supposed to crash into the Earth
Conclusion of the Whole Matter
While some of this is amusing, it is disturbing to see how many Christians get "seduced" by the hysteria. As Christians, it is most important for us to keep our minds on the following things:- No man knows the day nor the hour of the Lord's return
- The entire world is in the hand of God
- Governments and social institutions cannot save us, only Jesus can!
- Fear is a tool of the devil and has no place in the heart of a Christian
- FAQ - Astronomy
- How Are Star Distances Measured?
- What an Opportunity
- Old Universe with a Short Human History?
- Question About the How Big is God Presentation
- What is Creation Astronomy?
- Is the World Going to End in 2012?
- Water on the Moon
- Is NASA Going to Bomb the Moon?
- Lunar Orbiter Can See Apollo Equipment
- Ice in Martian Crater
4th Day Alliance
1317 Edgewater Dr #5077
Orlando, FL 32804
(208) 477-1825
4th Day Alliance
1317 Edgewater Dr #5077
Orlando, FL 32804
(208) 477-1825